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Lyndsey Douglas

Having studied Jewellery and Metal Design for three years at Duncan of Jordanstone in Dundee I completed a BDES Honours. 

As a recent graduate I am continuing to develop my skills and my passions and interests in jewellery making. 


I live in a small historical town in Highland Perthshire, surrounded by striking views and a stimulating environment. My local environment is the inspiration for my pieces and has become central to my work through the use of local materials. 


It is my intention to feature a delicate quality in my work, emphasising that fragility is precious, as is nature. I hope you will perceive this and feel that you are in possession of something special.
My aim is to share a  personal connection with nature and these ‘precious moments' with you.


As part of my studies, I developed an ongoing fascination and excitement for fungi. Their delicate structures and forms led me to create collections inspired by gills, stamens and textures captured from species such as 'Ink Caps' and 'Woolyfoot'. 



Òrnaich Jewellery

Is a Scottish Gaelic word meaning ornament/adornment.


Lyndsey’s jewellery is to be worn by any who have a love of nature and an interest in unique designs inspired by the Third Natural Kingdom.

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